Save…Power Boy???

pb1Some characters never even get a chance. Tomorrow Woman, Kole, and so many others have been bumped off before fans felt they really got the chance to love them or even know them. My most regretted loss was a fellow who went by the fairly obvious name of Power Boy. This guy was an obvious statement about the sexualization of women in comics and how silly they would be if the same visual aspects and clueless mentalities we’ve sometimes seen were applied to a male character (Eddie Berganza confirmed this in the “DC Nation” column). His story was brief, he was part of the “lost year” of the Teen Titans referenced in the weekly 52 series that filled in the gap. Not long after, he dated Supergirl for a minute. He was very controlling and almost physically violent. She beat his ass and sent him packing. Next, he attended a one-issue only meeting with Titans West, shagged Hawk (of …And Dove), then he wound up being disemboweled by the Sons of Trigon. Very short tenure in the Universe, for sure. I think he deserved not only better, but could’ve been SERIES worthy.

pb2I know, a potential abuser of women doesn’t sound like much of a prospect for a character. That said, the boy was from APOKOLIPS. This, to me, is the ultimate example of damaged goods. I love metaphorical statements about humanity via super-heroes, and I would think of this as a prime example. Not excusing it, but examining it would be interesting. Also, why would someone with his past and habits come to Earth to be a super-hero? Great question, worthy of a great origin story. He was shown in a single frame only as being partnered with a girl named Little Barda. She never appeared outside that image, but I imagine her to be an acolyte of Mister Miracle’s formidable wife. She sounds potentially engaging as well. His obvious narcissism and hyper-sexual nature would be fun to see in action. It would give humor to an ongoing, as well as worthy exploration along with his bellicose tendencies. Further- why NOT a comic about a male sex object? It’s never been done in my memory. I’m not saying on every panel, and obviously there’s a cheese factor in the concept, but if it were done right it could be very entertaining. So, you have here a character people could want to slap, feel bad for, laugh at, and get some shock factor from. You also have a character rooted in an interesting corner of the DCU, with lots of room for incorporation. I’d LOVE to see him meet up with Power Girl and let the melee begin. I could see her reaction to him being priceless and fun. Imagine her reaction to his name, the cut-out on his chest mirroring hers, his flirtatious nature, his machismo, not to mention his implied pre-occupation with her via his name and appearance. His reaction to her hard-as-nails-no-nonsense persona could be entertaining as well. I see a wellspring of opportunity unexplored in such a character. Given the number of new characters seen post-reboot, I look to characters like this and wonder, why not them? So far, none of the post-Flashpoint new characters seem to be resonating too heavily with readers, none I’ve heard or read material from anyway. Who knows, maybe down the line he’ll make a comeback and wow the crowd. I, for one, would give him a healthy chance. Who can say no to that smile and that hairy ‘boob window’? Save Power Boy!

