Save the Rhetoric, Because I’m not Buying It. You and I Both Know DC is NOT Anti-Gay…

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hate6hate5Did you know that in 1987, during the last DC reboot, that there was only ONE marriage in the new DCU? Yes, that’s right. No Mera. No Hawkman or Hawkgirl. No Atom and Jean. No Flash and Iris. No Superman and Lois. Marriage has never really been a DC trope for thirty years. Ralph and Sue were it for a very long time. In 1989, this was in full effect, and that’s exactly where we are now in the new timeline. The only reason you know or care is because the Batwoman issue got the conversation going. I keep hearing ‘Save Kate and Maggie’. No one’s taking them away from you. No one at all. ‘DC Comics and Dan DiDio are homophobes’. No, they introduced the first OUT gay character in comics’ history, long before it was in vogue, and later gave us the first mainstream comics title with a gay lead, not to mention a plethora of gay characters in twenty-five years. ‘Gay marriage is important in comics, because it’s new and needs to be shown. We’ve always been victimized and seen as miserable in past literature.’ That is victim culture rhetoric, and it’s kind of pathetic. Stonewall was 40+ years ago. Let go. We are at the point that over 70% of the population is ok with gay marriage. At that time, we weren’t even open to the possibility of being out of the closet for the most part. Yes, there is still discrimination, but we’ve come a LONG way, and it’s time to look where we are NOW and move forward from here. If you want equality, then accept the fact that you don’t get everything you want just because you wish it were so. The last 3 engagements and the last 2 weddings in comics were gay. Heteros haven’t had any in years. 4 weddings if you count the Apollo/Midnighter flashback (another DC property). If you want to hate DC for a number of reasons, they may be sound ones; I’m not a fan of a lot of the current fare myself. But after JH Williams himself came to their defense and said they were by no means so, and you KNOW it, and all the evidence points to the fact that this company has been pro-gay in the past, and you are still looking for reasons to call them anti-gay or homophobic, ask yourself- do you want to hate them just to hate them or do you want to know and face the truth? Do you want to be cool on the internet and show through intolerance how tolerant you are? Are you going to keep ‘lawyering’ the situation, just so you can be succinct with your initial reaction, even if evidence has shown that you were wrong, rather than being a grown up and having some humility? The label of homophobe in our culture is not a snapshot event that incurs loss of employment or status, it’s one you carry for LIFE. Think about that. Do you really have so much rage towards someone you’ve never even met that you want their whole life down the drain? If so, you are the problem and not the solution and you FOSTER homophobia. Yes, YOU.
