Save Batwoman, Part Two! Take a Deep Breath…

bwwilliamsSo, this is not a sequel to an earlier post, but an addendum and maybe even an apology. I criticized DC for the practice of fast-tracking the nuptials of Kate Kane and Maggie Sawyer, and running with the gay marriage scenario to the point of cliche’. Now this happens. Turns out, W. Haden Blackman and JH Williams III were actually the ones who wanted this, not DC. In that case- here it is- maybe this was a wise decision on DC’s part. Maybe they didn’t want to paint a character into a corner. Maybe they didn’t want to have to do something bad to Kate or Maggie to keep the title fresh. I cannot even pretend to know the long-term vision of these two creators; not at all. I know them to do quality work, and I have a healthy respect for both. Perhaps they had an image in their heads of a type of couple we’ve not seen before, and again, I can only muse with conjecture here. Still, my first reaction to the proposal was pretty much an eye-roll after Kevin Keller, Northstar, and the introduction of gay Alan Scott, which was met with an almost instant proposal which met with a dead fiancee. As for their other charges, I can’t really speak to those very much. I do know that DC had plans with Killer Croc as part of the “Forever Evil” entire-line-over-sweep, and perhaps their ideas clashed with the big picture plan. Who knows? As for the corruption of the forward concept of the book, I can only imagine. I know they wanted a constantly forward-moving approach for the title/character, but sometimes, that’s not the very best thing. Characters whose stories move too quickly, and the titles they appear in, need a certain time in space that’s not in constant motion. It allows them to become cemented. It makes for great done-in-one stories (a concept nearly dead in the soap-opera driven mainstream market), and can be an injury to folks stepping on at mid-point who don’t know the total history of the character. I’m not anti-progress at all, but icons become icons when there is a stability in the mythos. Constant changes can derail the potential of a character, especially when you consider the time/space nature of ongoing titles, given the difference in comic-time and real-time. Enough about that, let’s talk about reaction.

bwreederI’ve already seen the torches being lit on social media against DC. It’s no secret to anyone who has visited this page that I’m less than delighted with what’s happened to the Tiffany’s of comics in the past couple of years. That said, if you think boycotting DC over this as a statement for gay rights is the answer, I would ask you to relax your knee and think about what I’ve said in the prior paragraph and decide if that’s the best thing to do. I have plenty of reasons to not be down with DC right now. Plenty. Homophobia is not one of them. I saw gays in comics from DC first. No, I didn’t like ‘Extrano’, but he beat Northstar out of the closet. Mindi Meyer’s brother Kevin. Obsidian. Phil Jiminez. The second Ice. Pied Piper. Mallah and the Brain (!). The Enigma. Maggie Sawyer. Batwoman. Tasmanian Devil. Starman. Bunker. Yes, it’s still a minority, but that’s what we are. We had to start somewhere, and there are ebbs and flows and we can look at victories and losses. However, I say Handle With Extreme Caution here. Calling someone anti-gay or homophobic is a BIG accusation. Huge, in today’s culture. Again, I’m not on board with a lot of the decisions they’ve made, I’d like to see them change, and so would a lot of others BUT let’s not throw this accusation in with the lot to fortify a point. If you don’t like the New 52, or Dan DiDio, or Scott Lobdell, fine. Don’t use this as ammo against them unless you can REALLY back it up. It’s not a fair way to fight.

BatWoman_by_Bruce_TimmFor me, I hope this isn’t the doom of Batwoman. I don’t know how Greg Rucka would feel right now about anything. I’ve not heard a word yet, and this is largely HIS baby. I would really like to see him come back and do some nurturing. I’m afraid of what lesser creators might do with this potentially legendary character. Either way you split it, she won’t be married. Save Batwoman!